La tragedia del Madrid Arena que se ha llevado cuatro vidas jóvenes por delante, en la noche de Halloween, ha impactado en la sociedad española y madrileña, como no podía ser de otra manera. Muchas son las preguntas que la opinión pública se hace y pocas las respuestas de la administración del Ayuntamiento de Madrid y la empresa responsable del acto. Según un informe de la policía científica, el aforo del local duplicaba -parece ser- su capacidad oficial. No hay pruebas de la venta de entradas, por lo que todo se basa en indicios aproximativos, aunque según testigos presentes y los vídeos del local, muestran una cantidad excesiva de personas, que desbordaban el aforo. Estaremos atentos a la investigación policial y que los culpables asuman su responsabilidad y paguen por lo que han hecho.
Mientras el pueblo de Madrid velaba sus muertos recientes, la alcaldesa de Madrid Señora Ana Botella, se marchaba a un hotel de lujo a Portugal en el puente de "Todos los Santos". Nada que objetar sobre el derecho a viajar o descansar de la edil madrileña -faltaría más-. No vale invocar el derecho a la "vida privada", para justificar su viaje, pues un político al frente de una ciudad de 6.000.000 de habitantes, no puede tener vida privada en determinadas circunstancias. Pero, ¿Dónde está la sensibilidad de la Señora Alcaldesa con los familiares de las víctimas y sus paisanos? Malo y feo desde la estética y peor desde la ética. Como responsable política al frente del ayuntamiento, debería haber estado desde el primer momento con los familiares de las víctimas, compartiendo su dolor y ofreciendo sus servicios; Dando la cara en las malas, que ya vendrán las buenas. El Partido Popular está muy molesto con la alcaldesa y hasta puede que pierda la alcaldía de Madrid. Desde que se inició esta tragedia, aquí nadie ha dimitido. Lo coherente en esta situación es presentar la dimisión e irse a casa. Por menos, en otros países los políticos dimiten, pero aquí -ya se sabe- España es diferente.
HALLOWEEN IN MADRID Posted: November 7, 2012 5:22 a.m. PT
The tragedy of 'Madrid Arena "that has taken four young lives ahead on the night of Halloween, has hit Madrid and Spanish society, how could it be otherwise. There are many issues that public opinion and few answers for the administration of the City of Madrid and the company responsible for the act. According to a forensic report, the capacity of the room seems to be-duplicated-official capacity. No evidence of ticket sales so everything is based on approximate indications, although present witnesses and videos of local, show an excessive amount of people who overflowed the capacity. We look forward to the police investigation and that those responsible take responsibility and pay for what they have done.As the people of Madrid watched their recent dead, the mayor of Madrid Lady Ana Botella, was going to a luxury hotel in Portugal on the bridge of "All Saints". Not object to the right to travel or rest of the mayor of Madrid, missing more. Not worth invoking the right to "privacy" to justify their trip, as a politician in front of a city of 6,000,000 inhabitants, can not have privacy. But where is the sensitivity of the Lady Mayoress with the families of the victims and their countrymen? Bad and Ugly from aesthetics and ethics worse since. As a responsible policy in front of city hall, should have been from the start with the families of the victims, sharing their grief and offering their services; sticking up for worse, that they will come good. The Popular Party is very upset with the mayor and may even lose the mayor of Madrid. Since the beginning of this tragedy, nobody here has resigned. The situation is consistent resign and go home. For less than in other countries politicians resign, but here, you know, Spain is different.
HALLOWEEN IN MADRID Posted: November 7, 2012 5:22 a.m. PT
The tragedy of 'Madrid Arena "that has taken four young lives ahead on the night of Halloween, has hit Madrid and Spanish society, how could it be otherwise. There are many issues that public opinion and few answers for the administration of the City of Madrid and the company responsible for the act. According to a forensic report, the capacity of the room seems to be-duplicated-official capacity. No evidence of ticket sales so everything is based on approximate indications, although present witnesses and videos of local, show an excessive amount of people who overflowed the capacity. We look forward to the police investigation and that those responsible take responsibility and pay for what they have done.As the people of Madrid watched their recent dead, the mayor of Madrid Lady Ana Botella, was going to a luxury hotel in Portugal on the bridge of "All Saints". Not object to the right to travel or rest of the mayor of Madrid, missing more. Not worth invoking the right to "privacy" to justify their trip, as a politician in front of a city of 6,000,000 inhabitants, can not have privacy. But where is the sensitivity of the Lady Mayoress with the families of the victims and their countrymen? Bad and Ugly from aesthetics and ethics worse since. As a responsible policy in front of city hall, should have been from the start with the families of the victims, sharing their grief and offering their services; sticking up for worse, that they will come good. The Popular Party is very upset with the mayor and may even lose the mayor of Madrid. Since the beginning of this tragedy, nobody here has resigned. The situation is consistent resign and go home. For less than in other countries politicians resign, but here, you know, Spain is different.